If you want to truly manage your organization in your operations or management role, you have to understand and utilize internal knowledge on a daily basis. But what exactly is this information? Where do you get it from? How do you siphon and organize it into useful workflows for your team?
In this quick read, we’ll guide you through the various types of knowledge you can unlock and how you can manage it.
Collective Intelligence (CI)
CI is the intelligence of a group of individuals used for a collective purpose. For businesses, CI works best when all relevant information is connected. Part of this shared information will assist in developing knowledge and collective intelligence. With digital technologies on the horizon, businesses can benefit from automating the review and analysis portion of CI by allowing software to understand their employee's internal working and processes.
Institutional Knowledge (IK)
IK is the internalized and documented knowledge of an organization. The policies, processes, operational reports, and daily workflow all make up institutional knowledge. Structured IK should be easy to access and review, and it’s important to update old records, keep the relevant, remove the fluff, and organize it in such a way that any individual in the organization has instant access to it. IK is interconnected with your business's competitive advantage and can make or break your competitive edge. Personal Knowledge (PK)
Personal knowledge is the “know-how” any individual in your organization uses to be effective in their role. This knowledge is an individual’s accumulated years of social, relationship-based, business and technical know-how relevant to their current organization and role. This knowledge can be better utilized when put into writing and tagged or categorized for archived and current projects. Keeping track of this knowledge in a timely manner on a monthly or quarterly basis is the easiest way to capture relevant knowledge and pass it along to colleagues and new hires.
Turning Knowledge Into Know How
Tap into the three previously mentioned sources of knowledge and create a knowledge hub so your organization can have easily accessible "know-how" to put into action across all divisions and all individuals.
You can take advantage of our knowledge 101 bundle for a quick start to your knowledge management journey: bluejarvis.com/knowledge